Initial cover sketch.

Final cover artwork including right inside flap.

"Dolphins" Inside cover and first page spread.

"Humpback Whales" Inside cover and last page spread.

"Golden Oarfish" 1 of 60 pages.

"Manta Ray" 1 of 60 pages.

"Sea Iguana" 1 of 60 pages.

"Tuna" 1 of 60 pages.

"Marlin" 1 of 60 pages.

"Isopod" 1 of 60 pages.

"Potato Bass" 1 of 60 pages.

"Sand Dollars" 1 of 60 pages.

"Spider Crab" 1 of 60 pages.

"Turtle" 1 of 60 pages.

Final printed cover.

Final printed cover and spine.

1 of 60 pages in the final book.
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